by : Zahwah Jameel
May 1st 2023

React Native is the second most popular cross-platform mobile app development framework and holds the sixth rank among all development frameworks with a market share of 38%.

Since its creation, React Native has been on an upward trend, with more and more developers and businesses opting to use it as their primary framework for creating mobile applications due to its reliability and scalability.

Around 53% of developers have experience with React Native, making it the second most popular mobile development framework according to the 2021 State of JavaScript report.

In this blog, we will uncover various aspects of React Native app development, from how to use and benefits to comparison with other cross-platform app development frameworks.

What is React Native App Development?

React Native is an open-source cross-platform mobile app development framework developed by Facebook that enables developers to build native-like mobile apps by leveraging the React.js library.

With React Native app development, you can design high-performing, feature-rich, mobile apps with a single codebase in JavaScript that runs on various platforms like Android and iOS. You can also use the same techniques, tools, and workflows that are utilized for web development, making easier transitions from web development to mobile app development.

Instead of web-based components, React Native app development employs native components, hence providing a better app performance. React Native also boasts a large developer community, that builds third-party plugins, integrations, and libraries to extend its functionalities and assist other developers.

What’s New in the React Native Ecosystem

The React Native ecosystem is always changing, with new updates, tools, and features coming out all the time. In case you’re interested in what’s new in the React Native ecosystem, here you go:

  • React Native 0.64: React Native released version 0.64 with various new features, improvements, and bug fixes. Hermes runtime configuration, accessibility improvements, and iOS and Android components are important features.
  • Expo SDK 43: Expo SDK is a popular React Native app development and deployment toolkit. SDK 43 supports iOS 15, Android 12, and TypeScript 4.4.
  • React Native Navigation v6: A popular React Native navigation library. v6 adds stack presentation, a tab bar component, and performance improvements.
  • React Native Firebase: React Native Firebase integrates Firebase, Google’s mobile developer platform, easily. The latest upgrades support Firebase Authentication v9, Performance Monitoring, and ML Kit.
  • React Native CLI: This command-line interface builds and manages React Native projects. The latest updates enhance TypeScript support, project initiation, and third-party integration.

The Architecture of React Native

Architecture of React Native

React Native adheres to a unidirectional data flow design, meaning that data travels in a single path via the application’s components. The architecture is based on the Facebook-developed Flux architectural pattern.

The primary components of React Native are:

  • View: This component is in charge of displaying the user interface. It also can have additional elements like text and pictures.
  • Props: They are the data supplied to a child component by its parent. They cannot be altered within the component as they are immutable.
  • State: It is a component’s internal data. It is modifiable by the component itself, and when it is, the component is re-rendered.
  • Redux: It is a library for state management that is compatible with React Native. It keeps the application state in a single store, from which the components can access the state.
  • Actions: They are events that initiate state changes within an application. These are sent to the store, which then updates the state and re-renders the components.
  • Reducers: They are functions that manage activities and change the state of the application.

React Native employs a Virtual DOM (VDOM) to efficiently update the user interface. It is a lightweight clone of the actual DOM that determines the least number of updates required to update the user interface. This makes React Native apps more efficient and quicker.

How is React Native Better Than Flutter For App Development?

React Native vs Flutter App Development

Both React Native and Flutter are well-known cross-platform mobile app development frameworks for developing. Although they have some similarities, they also have substantial differences. Here are some important distinctions between React Native app development and Flutter app development


React Native uses JavaScript, and Flutter uses Dart. JavaScript is a more popular language that developers find easier to learn and utilize. Dart, on the other hand, is a more recent programming language that was created expressly for app development.


React Native use native components, whereas Flutter employs its own collection of widgets. Native components offer superior performance and a more consistent user experience, whereas Flutter widgets offer greater customization and flexibility.

Development environment

For each platform, React Native requires a distinct development environment, such as Xcode for iOS and Android Studio for Android. Flutter offers a unified development environment across both platforms.

Hot reloading

React Native supports hot reloading, which allows developers to observe changes in the app without having to rebuild or restart the app. Flutter has a similar functionality called “hot reload,” although it isn’t as fast as React Native

Community support

Because React Native has a larger and more established developer community, it has access to a broader choice of tools and third-party libraries. The Flutter community is fast increasing, yet it is still young in comparison to React Native.


Compared to React Native, Flutter has better performance because it compiles code to native ARM machine code, while React Native uses a bridge to talk to native components.

Difference between React Native App Development and Xamarin App Development?

React Native App Development and Xamarin App

React Native and Xamarin are both popular cross-platform mobile app frameworks. Here are the key differences between React Native app development and Xamarin app development:


React Native use JavaScript, whereas Xamarin uses C#. Developers may find JavaScript easier to learn. Modern app development language C# is ideal for enterprise apps.

User interface

React Native use native components, whereas Xamarin employs its own set of controls. Xamarin controls are more customizable, but native components run better and offer a more consistent user experience.

Development environment

Xcode for iOS and Android Studio for Android are required for React Native development. Xamarin’s cross-platform programming environment simplifies development.

Community support

React Native has a larger developer community with more tools and third-party libraries. Xamarin’s community is powerful but smaller than React Native’s.


As Xamarin converts code to native machine code, it outperforms React Native, which uses a bridge to interface with native components.


Xamarin requires a license for full functionality, which might be expensive for small enterprises and individual developers. Smaller teams can use React Native because it’s open source.

How to Start React Native App Development?

  • Install Node.js

React Native can’t run without Node.js and the Node Package Manager (npm) is installed. Node.js can be downloaded from its official website and set up in a matter of minutes if you read and follow the instructions carefully.

  • Install the React Native CLI

React Native includes a command-line interface (CLI) tool for creating and managing projects. You can install it in your terminal by typing the following command:

npm install -g react-native-cli

  • Start a new project

The react-native init command can be used to create a new React Native project. For instance, you can enter this command in the terminal to initiate the creation of a new project with the name “MyApp”:

react-native init MyApp

This will create a new project with the basic file structure and dependencies.

  • Run the project

You can run the project using the following command:

cd MyApp

react-native run-ios

This will start the iOS simulator and launch the app.

  • Write the code

You can now begin developing your app’s code by making use of React Native’s APIs and components. React Native comes with a set of fundamental components that you can use to design your user interface, including text, image, view, ScrollView, and others.

  • Debugging and testing

You can test and debug your app using the React Native development tools. For example, you can analyze the component hierarchy and state using the React Native Debugger tool, and log warnings and errors using the console.

  • Create and deploy

When you’ve designed and tested your app, use tools like Xcode and Android Studio to build and push it to app stores.

What is the Difference between React Native App Development For Android and iOS?

While React Native allows for the creation of cross-platform mobile applications, development for the Android and iOS platforms differs. Here are some of the notable differences:

UI Components

React Native includes a set of UI components that may be used to create applications. However, the UI components for Android and iOS differ slightly. Developers must verify that the application’s UI components are compatible with both platforms.

Platform-Specific APIs

Android and iOS have platform-specific APIs that the other platform does not have. While React Native gives access to the majority of the core APIs, developers may need to leverage platform-specific APIs to provide platform-specific functionality in some cases.

Platform-Specific Styling

Because the styling for the Android and iOS platforms changes greatly, developers must ensure that the application’s design and layout adhere to the platform-specific requirements. React Native allows developers to easily generate platform-specific styles by providing a means to declare styles for both platforms.


React Native includes a navigation library that allows developers to design screen navigation. The navigation styles, however, change across Android and iOS. Developers must ensure that the navigation styles follow platform-specific rules.


Debugging React Native apps for Android and iOS differ differently. While both platforms include debugging tools, the debugging process differs. To effectively debug apps, developers must be familiar with platform-specific debugging tools.

How can Businesses Benefit From React Native App Development?

Businesses Benefit From React Native App Development

React Native offers numerous benefits to businesses wishing to develop mobile applications. Among the primary benefits are:

Cross-platform development

Using React Native, developers can create apps for both the iOS and Android platforms using a single codebase. Developers can save time and money by not having to design different codebases for each platform.

Reduced development cycles

The hot reloading feature of React Native allows developers to see changes in the app instantaneously, without having to rebuild or restart the app. This can hasten the development process and shorten the time to market.

Code reusability

Developers can save time and energy by reusing code between projects, thanks to React Native’s modular design and component-based architecture.

High performance

React Native renders the user interface using native components, which gives greater performance than hybrid application development frameworks that rely on web-based components.


The modular architecture of React Native enables businesses to easily extend their apps, adding new features and capabilities without having to completely rewrite the app.

Large developer community

React Native offers a huge and active developer community that provides access to a variety of resources, tools, and third-party libraries that can expand the functionality of an app.

Business Challenges Faced During React Native App Development

Business Challenges Faced During React Native App Development

While there are many benefits for organizations to use React Native, there are also potential drawbacks. Some of the major obstacles include:

Absence of native functionality

While React Native gives you access to numerous native device capabilities and APIs, some of them may be unavailable or have restricted usefulness. This can be difficult for organizations that need unique app functionalities.

Issues with compatibility

React Native may not be compatible with all third-party libraries and frameworks, which can be difficult for organizations that rely on these tools in their development workflow.

Support for legacy systems is limited

Because React Native is a new technology, it may not be well-suited for enterprises that need to integrate with older legacy systems or technologies.

Developer recruitment and training

It can be difficult to find skilled React Native developers, and firms may need to invest time and resources in training their developers on this technology.

Debugging and testing

Debugging and testing React Native apps can be difficult because the technology is still emerging and developers may have limited resources and tools.

Popular Apps Built By Leveraging React Native App Development

Popular Apps Built By Leveraging React Native App Development

Several well-known apps have been built with React Native, making it a popular approach to developing cross-platform mobile applications. These are some examples of popular React Native apps:

  1. Facebook: In 2015, Facebook rebuilt parts of its app using React Native. React Native powers numerous Facebook features.
  2. Instagram: Instagram, which is owned by Facebook, also employs React Native in some portions of its app. This contains the Explore tab, main feed, and profile page elements.
  3. Skype: Skype, a popular video-conferencing app, uses React Native for its mobile app. The program lets users phone, text, and transfer files smoothly.
  4. Tesla: Tesla’s mobile app uses React Native to control automobiles, and monitor battery conditions, and other capabilities.
  5. Bloomberg: Bloomberg’s real-time market data, news, and analysis mobile app leverages React Native.
  6. Uber Eats: Uber Eats’ mobile app leverages React Native to order meals from local restaurants and track deliveries in real time.

Best React Native Practices You Should Integrate with Your Development Strategy

If you’re developing an app with React Native, consider the following guidelines:

  • Use a modular approach: Avoid constructing monolithic components and instead utilize modular code that can be readily reused and maintained.
  • Keep the code as simple as possible: Avoid over-engineering or over-optimization by keeping the code basic and clear.
  • Use Redux to handle state: Redux provides a centralized store for state management, making it easier to maintain and debug the application’s state.
  • Improve performance: To boost app performance, employ strategies such as lazy loading, caching, and image optimization.
  • Thoroughly test the app: Employ automated testing tools such as Jest or Enzyme to thoroughly test the app and ensure it functions as anticipated.
  • Utilize version control: To manage the codebase and track changes, use a version control system such as Git.
  • Follow the platform’s guidelines: To guarantee that the app appears and feels like a native app, adhere to the platform-specific design guidelines.
  • Keep up with new releases: Stay up to speed with new React Native and its components, and make sure you update the codebase regularly to avoid compatibility concerns.
  • Debug the app efficiently: Utilize debugging tools such as React Native Debugger or Flipper to effectively debug the app and swiftly address bugs.
  • Document the code: Describe the code and maintain it up to date so that new developers can join the project and understand the source.

Partner With OnGraph To Build Native-like Apps With React Native App Development

OnGraph is a leading React Native app development company providing cutting-edge and industry-leading React Native app development services with over 15+ years of industry experience and an in-house team of dedicated and proficient React Native developers.

Hire React Native developers from OnGraph to build growth-driven, cross-platform, scalable, and flexible React Native apps that will scale your business growth.

Contact our experts to know more about our services and for free 1:1 React Native consultation.


Zahwah Jameel

A software engineer with a deep interest in writing blogs and web content on various tech stacks.

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