by : ongraph
January 2nd 2015

How to Print Each Row of Table on Separate Page in Jasper Studio

One of the most asked but least answered questions is how to print each row of a table on a separate page in Jasper Studio. Well, we have a step-by-step guide down below to answer your question.

Create a report Like separate.jrxml

To do that:

1. Click on file -> New -> Jasper Report

New Report wizards window open

2. Select Template Blank A4 and click on next.

New Report wizards report file window opens.

3.  Select the folder in the workspace where you want to put the report, and name the report Like Separate.jrxml and click on the next button.

New Report wizards  Data source  window open.

4. Select data adapter Like: “Sample DB” and write query Like “Select * from address”;

New Report wizards’ Fields window opens.

5. After selecting fields click on next button

6. Click on the Finish button.

Note: After creating the Main Report, disable all bands except the Summary Band.

Create a table in a report

To create a table in a report:

1. Select the table element from the palette and drag it to the summary band. Dataset wizard open:

2. Select dataset name Like “dataset1” and select radio button “create a new dataset from a connection or data source” and click on next button.

3. Data source window open. Select data adapter “sample DB” and put the query like “select * from address” and click on the next button

4. The window opens. Select the fields which you want to show in the dataset and click on the next button.

5. Group by the window: Select fields which you want to use in a group and click on the next button.

6. Connection window opens: select option “use same connection used to fill the master report” and click on next button.

7. Table columns window open: Select fields which you want to use in the table and click on the finish button. Tables are generated in the summary band.

Connectivity to print each row on a separate page:

Print Rows in Jasper Studio


1. Click on dataset1 from the outline which is created for the table.

2. Click on Groups from dataset1

3. Select a field from groups which are used in table

4. Click on the properties tab and select the advanced tab

5. Edit property “start New Page” change it to true.


This is how you print each row of a table on a separate page in Jasper studio. Need expert advice? Get in touch with our team of specialists!



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