by : Zahwah Jameel
June 27th 2023

Understanding the decisions of artificial intelligence systems gets more exciting and difficult as they become more sophisticated. While the capability of AI is interesting, critical issues like prejudice, fairness, ethical AI, and the need for transparency in AI systems must be addressed.

The machine learning models that power these systems learn from the data sent to them. However, biased data can result in unfair results. As we strive for fairness in society, guaranteeing fairness in artificial intelligence is an increasing global problem.

Ethical AI aspires to not only avoid biased outcomes but also to assure openness and responsibility. This entails making AI judgments human-comprehensible and aligning them with our moral norms.
We encourage you to join us as we explore deeper into these difficulties and prospects for responsible AI system design.

Top 5 AI Ethical Concerns

The chorus of voices urging ethical and responsible AI development grows louder as we enter the fast-paced realm of artificial intelligence. Geoffrey Hinton, a field luminary, brings to light serious issues that deserve careful examination.

By investigating these concerns, we can have a better understanding of how the rapid growth of AI may influence humans, ranging from our day-to-day interactions.

Machines that Outperform Human Intelligence

Hinton believes that AI systems, such as the massive language model GPT-4, will soon outperform human intelligence. The ability of these robots to learn and adapt is accelerating considerably faster than that of humans, presenting critical considerations concerning our interactions with such advanced systems.

This fear extends beyond AI understanding and processing information faster than humans to the possibility of their having superior learning algorithms that make them highly flexible and capable.

Pursue the continued reading: Building Powerful AI Apps with OpenAI, Streamlit, and LangChain

AI Chatbot Risks Being Exploited by Bad Actors

The power of AI chatbots is not without risk. As Hinton points out, hostile parties, or “bad actors,” might use these advanced systems to propagate misinformation, manipulate electorates, and construct formidable spambots.
This possible misuse of AI technology might have serious consequences for communities around the world in an era when information is a valued currency.

Few-Shot Learning Capabilities

The ability of AI models to learn new tasks with only a few examples, known as few-shot learning, could allow machines to learn at the same or even faster rate than humans. While this is a tremendous scientific feat, it also brings with it a new set of ethical concerns.

For example, because these AI models adapt and acquire new tasks so quickly, they may become impossible to govern, bringing unknown threats.

Keep Reading: Transfer Learning and Few-Shot Learning: Overcoming Data Scarcity in AI Model Training

Existential Risk Posed by AI Systems

As AI systems become more sophisticated than humans, existential threats arise. Hinton warns of scenarios in which AI systems establish their own subgoals and strive for greater power, potentially leading to a situation in which robots dictate terms to humans rather than the other way around.

A subgoal could range from an AI attempting to use more energy to a system attempting to clone itself—actions with potentially disastrous results.

The Effect on Job Markets

The influence of AI and automation on employment markets is a major worry. While AI has the potential to automate monotonous tasks, it may also displace jobs, generating huge upheavals in industries such as manufacturing, agriculture, and healthcare. Robots and AI-powered devices could take over human roles in production.

Similarly, advances in agricultural technology could replace tasks such as planting, harvesting, and crop monitoring. While AI may be able to automate certain administrative activities in healthcare, human professions requiring compassion and engagement are less likely to be totally replaced by AI, but the potential shift is still significant.

Unveil what’s next: Leverage the Power of Conversational AI to Augment Business

Looking Ahead

Finally, as we watch the colossal rise and promise of AI, it becomes critical to recognize and confront these ethical concerns. The path forward is to steer progress properly and ethically, rather than to prevent it.
It is critical to engage in discourse and create frameworks that assure transparency, accountability, and human well-being.

Consider working with OnGraph if you want to go on an AI adventure with an ethical and responsible partner. We are devoted to developing AI solutions that not only benefit your business but also benefit society as a whole.

OnGraph guarantees AI that respects privacy maintains openness, and places humans at the center of its development. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you ethically harness the potential of AI.


Zahwah Jameel

A software engineer with a deep interest in writing blogs and web content on various tech stacks.

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