by : Priyanka Sharma
August 25th 2022

Introduction to Python

Python is one of the top dynamic programming languages. It integrates a rich set of GUI libraries, packages, and web frameworks that allows developers to create efficient cross-platform applications. Python is a perfect language when it comes to rapid app development. 

Initially created in 1991 by Guido van Rossum, Python was released as a general-purpose, high-level, interpreted programming language with modularity and code readability as goals.

Throughout the course of its nearly 30 years of history, Python has grown to be one of the most widely used programming languages. It is quite a simple language that is easy to understand and learn. The language can run on several platforms like Linux, Mac, Raspberry Pi, Windows, etc. Python runs on an interpreter system which implies that code can be efficiently executed as soon as it is written. Python development syntax is also a lot simpler than the syntax of any other programming language.

With a current popularity share of 31.73 percent among contemporary development languages, Python’s popularity consistently achieves an all-time high.

Most-Used Languages by Developers

As per the latest developer survey by stack overflow , Python is the fourth most popular programming language 

Most-Used Languages by Developers

Python language is free, open source and simple to learn and emphasizes on the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) principle and readability. Being high-level, dynamically typed and interpreted, Python makes debugging of errors much simpler and allows rapid development of application prototypes, distinguishing itself as the language to code with. 

Can Python be used to build mobile applications?

Well, yes… It has become possible to build mobile applications in Python due to the release of the Kivy framework (Python tool) in 2011. 

It enables cross-platform development of the application for mobile devices and PC. Kivy framework makes use of a custom set of UI instruments that manage the same control elements on various platforms. 

Is it possible to build native mobile applications in Python?

native app

Again the answer is yes. This is possible with another framework, BeeWare (another Python tool). 

BeeWare makes use of a set of instruments that manage the native control elements of all platforms. Here, checkboxes, buttons, and other elements provided by the system for which the app has been built will serve as UI controllers. Because of this, the product will appear completely native while being used on the platform it was built for. Thus, with the help of BeeWare framework, you can develop native mobile apps for iOS or for Android in Python. 

Some Interesting Python Statistics

  • According to StackOverflow, Python is a fast-evolving programming language that can be used to solve a broad spectrum of issues. It has the capability to meet the requirements of most applications.
  • As per GitHub and Google Trends, Python happens to be the most popular programming language in the year 2020, leaving behind the longstanding popularity of Java and JavaScript.

    Most popular programming language
    Image source: Statista
  • According to ‘the State of the Octoverse Report’ in 2021 by GitHub, Python was ranked the second most popular programming language.
  • The page for CPython by GitHub, which is the reference implementation of Python in C, has more than 38.7K stars and over 1500 contributors.
  • The IEEE survey suggests Python to be the top programming language amongst mobile app developers globally.
  • Going by the TIOBE Programming Community index released in July 2020, Python ranks third amongst the top 20 programming languages used by the experienced developers worldwide.
  • According to a survey by AIM, about 53.3% of data scientists choose Python language as it enables them to build data science skills and specific analytics capabilities.
  • At present, there are over 8.2 million Python developers globally and this number is going to only increase in the coming months.

Reasons Behind The Popularity of Python

Popularity of Python

In recent years, Python has emerged as one of the most widely used languages. The following are some of the benefits of using the Python framework for creating mobile applications:

Faster Programming Performance

Contrary to other programming languages, Python programs are executed by the interpreter directly without a compiler. This makes it a perfect language for programming as it executes more quickly with a direct and simpler method to catch bugs. 

Simple to Understand

Another significant aspect for the popularity of Python is its syntax. Python syntax rules enable developers to express concepts without the need to write any extra code. The language has the potential to make complicated things easy, thus making it incredible for learning by beginners. Moreover, precise coding in Python makes it simpler for developers to maintain and update the app with less interference. 

Variety of Libraries 

Python app development enables developers to choose modules from its vast range of robust and effective libraries as per the project requirements without the need for much coding. 

Test-Driven Development Compatibility 

Prototype creation with Python becomes easy for applications. Python completely supports prototype development, and enables developers to directly create apps from the prototypes through refactoring them. Moreover, Python is also compatible with various Operating systems, thus can be used across different platforms to build and execute the code. 

Strong Community

When it comes to the evolution of a language, its community plays a critical role. The community of Python is extremely active providing a number of documentation, guides, and tutorials, which gives it a competitive edge over other programming languages. 

Big Data Support 

The popularity of Python is also majorly attributed to its vast range of extensive libraries. Furthermore, as compared to other languages, coding in Python for Big Data projects is much simpler as well as faster. 

All this ultimately makes Python a popular choice for developers across the world. 

Popular Applications Built with Python

After learning about so many of Python’s capabilities, let us now understand how this top programming language is used. Python is a helpful programming language for creating many of the well-known apps listed below.

  • Pinterest: It is an incredible site for sharing pictures. The programming languages utilized to create Pinterest are Python and Django. Given that Pinterest has more than 442 billion users, we may infer with great certainty how popular Python development is.


  • Instagram: Another highly well-liked app, Instagram has one billion users. The modern digital world has been changed by this software. Python’s value is further demonstrated by this programme.


  • Spotify: Everyone is aware of the fantastic music streaming service Spotify. This app was created using Python because developers wanted to create apps more quickly. Additionally, Python’s readability makes it faster to develop apps. So it’s ideal for hastening the development of the Spotify app. Python is the only viable solution to manage the list of 70 million songs.


  • Uber: Uber is the top cab booking app with services available worldwide. Additionally, it provides services like meal delivery and bike sharing, among others. Uber has more than 100 million customers worldwide and operates in 285 major cities. Python is the only option that can handle Uber’s enormous amount of data, making it the best choice for this and other well-known apps.


  • Netflix: The biggest OTT platform for users to watch movies, web series, and other serials. This application was made using Python.


  • Disqus: Python assists the Disqus app in engaging users in discussions and intelligently guiding them through comment moderation. That is the main factor for this smartphone application’s popularity. Numerous sign-in choices, cross-site notifications, and improved security are further advantages.


  • Dropbox: Dropbox, a file-hosting service, is another well-known mobile application created in Python. Dropbox just switched from Python 2.7 to Python 3. It is one of the most well-known desktop mobile programmes worldwide and is also available for installation on the macOS, Windows, and various variations of Linux operating systems. Python’s portability and compatibility with a wide range of platforms—from Linux and PC to PlayStation—is one of its best qualities.


  • Reddit: Although Python wasn’t the first choice for the Reddit mobile app, the social news aggregator has changed its mind due to the greater accessibility to code libraries, scalability, and flexible development of this programming language. After that, it quickly gained popularity and now has more than 600 million visitors each month.

Top Python Frameworks for App Development

Python frameworks are a collection of modules or packages that makes the development process easier for developers by providing a structure for app development. It automates the implementation of common solutions and thus extends flexibility to the developer to focus on logic  rather than doing the routine tasks.

Let’s check out the top Python Frameworks for app development based on their features and ratings. This table will guide you to choose the best tool considering your project requirements.

Python Frameworks

For in-depth details on all the above-mentioned Python tools, you can check out our blog A List of Top 10 Python Frameworks

What kinds of applications can be built using Python Framework

#1 BlockChain Applications 

Blockchain is one of the hottest trends in technology at present. This specific technology is supported by Python and has established itself in the market. Users can interact with the Blockchain online thanks to support frameworks like Flask, which also enable the creation of endpoints for unique functions that can be executed on several machines.

#2 Command-Line Applications

Console applications is another name for command-line applications. Python is primarily used to create console apps since it makes it simple for programmers to assess the language and find new opportunities.

#3 Game Development Applications

Python development has a lot of things in store for its users. We all are aware by now that Python as a language is used in various languages, but it’s also a fact that it is used in game development as well. 

One of the main reasons for this is Python’s ability to be utilized in real-time applications, which can then be used to develop a variety of games.

#4 Audio and Video Applications 

Python also supports developers in both audio and video applications. The language has libraries such as OpenCV and Pydub, that aid in the effective completion of app development. 

#5 System Administrator Application

We are aware of how tiresome system administration may be, hence Python is currently one of the top-billed tools for creating programmes and scripts that automate tiresome system administration activities.

#5 Machine Learning Application

Python is blessed with Scikit and Panda libraries. These are used for the analysis and manipulation of data that is to be supplied to the machines.  

#6 Business Applications 

Python offers real agility to help developers create numerous ERP and eCommerce applications.

Having a scalable and open-source language is essential since advanced business applications span the spectrum of e-commerce, ERP, and much more.

Businesses may create scalable, fully-functional apps with Python straight out of the box. Business analysts can create and deploy Python apps using tools like Tryton.

Business development in Python can cover a wide range of tools, including:

  • ML Frameworks (Uber’s driver-rider algorithms)
  • Web Development (Instagram)
  • Natural Language Processing (Amazon Alexa, Google Home Assistant, and Chatbots for customer service)
  • Data Science Solutions (Spotify with their Discovery Playlists)
  • Entertainment (Light and Magic Studio)
  • Blockchain-enabled Contracts (Pyethereum)
  • Fintech Platforms (Citigroup and JP Morgan Chase)
  • Video Game Development (Sims 4)


Top Python Web Development Libraries

As a Python developer, you need to be well-versed in the best libraries because Python is a sea of them that have many different uses. Here is a list of top Python libraries for machine learning to aid you in this, and they are as follows:

#1 TensorFlow

TensorFlow is a well-known open-source library that you may be familiar with if you are currently working on a machine learning project in Python.

Google and the Brain Team worked together to create this library. Nearly all Google machine learning applications use TensorFlow.

Since neural networks can be described easily as computational graphs, they can be implemented using TensorFlow as a sequence of operations on Tensors. TensorFlow functions like a computational library for building new algorithms that include a lot of tensor operations. Additionally, the N-dimensional matrices that hold your data are called tensors.

#2 Scikit Learn

It is a NumPy and SciPy-related Python library. One of the greatest libraries for handling complex data is thought to be this one.

This library is undergoing a lot of changes. The cross-validation functionality, which enables the use of several metrics, is one modification. Numerous training techniques, including logistic regression and closest neighbors, have shown some minor advancements.

#3 Numpy

One of the most well-liked machine learning libraries for Python is called Numpy.

For executing several operations on Tensors, Numpy is used internally by TensorFlow and other frameworks. Numpy’s array interface is its best and most crucial component.

#4 Keras

It is one of the coolest machine learning libraries for Python. It offers a simpler method for expressing neural networks. Additionally, Keras offers some of the top tools for building models, handling data sets, viewing graphs, and much more.

Internally, Keras makes use of either Theano or TensorFlow. You can also employ some of the most well-liked neural networks, including CNTK. If you compare Keras with other machine learning libraries, it is relatively sluggish as it uses back-end infrastructure to build a computational graph before using it to execute tasks. In Keras, every model is transportable.

#5 PyTorch

The biggest machine learning library, PyTorch, enables programmers to do tensor operations with GPU acceleration, generates dynamic computation graphs, and figures out gradients automatically. In addition to this, PyTorch provides rich APIs for resolving neural network-related application problems.

PyTorch is built on Torch, a C machine library that is open source and has a Lua wrapper.

It was released initially in 2017 and since then, it has grown in popularity and drawn more machine learning developers.

Roadmap for Python Web Development

Let’s move on to the process and tools we must understand before tackling the field of web development:

#1 Web Page Design

HTML: An essential part of the webpage is HTML. The foundational concepts of HTML, browser definitions, DNS, hosting, and HTTP request and response must all be understood by every web developer.

CSS: CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) is a style sheet that describes how HTML elements should appear on a web page. CSS controls the display, design, and formatting of the website, including things like RGB values, border colors, background images, etc. To hasten expansion, CSS frameworks like Materialize or Bootstrap should also be taken into account.

#2 WebPage Behavior

JavaScript: After your website is finished, you should keep an eye on how it behaves. Features include the ability to click a button, scroll the page both up and down, and display images in a rotating carousel (as you can do on various shopping websites). The foundations of JavaScript must be mastered in order to accomplish this. Any website’s source code can be retrieved using the CTRL+U keyboard shortcut or the right-click view source code option. A variety of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS codes can be found on the website.

#3 DOM Direction for Effective WebPages

jQuery: The most widely used JavaScript library worldwide is jQuery. JQuery offers effective DOM invasion techniques. To change the value of an entity attribute or delete HTML from a paragraph or division, you might not need to write a tonne of code. JQuery provides getter methods like.attr(),.html), (and.val) (that pull information from DOM components for further use. Using jQuery, you may dynamically remove, replace, and insert the DOM portion. In order to create a dynamic web page.

#4 Front End Framework

Choosing Front End Framework: It is also suggested that you learn about the front end framework. in order for you to comprehend full-stack growth rather than just back-end development. Only a few frontend frameworks exist, including Ember, React, Backbone, Vue, and Angular.

#5 Programming Language 

Python: You should be familiar with the foundations of Python development before continuing. Python is simple to understand since it has English-like syntax. Python has a number of IDEs, like Jupyter Notebook and Pycharm, allowing straightforward and user-friendly coding. There are numerous other programming languages that may be used to create websites, but due to Python’s popularity, we’re focusing on it here.

#6 Web Framework

Django, Flask, and more python web frameworks are available for selection. Business logic can be implemented using Flask or Django. Python frameworks are robust and adaptable.

Common backend frameworks include Express Javascript, Django in Python, Spring Boot in Java, Ruby On Rails in Ruby, and Flask in Python.

Additionally, you must be familiar with the foundations of databases like SQLite and MongoDB in order to manage corporate information using frameworks.

Future of Python 

Whether you are a Python programmer or a Ruby on Rails developer, you are aware of Python’s promising future. Some programmers predict that it will be at the level of C!

It can be difficult to imagine, but organizations providing full stack application development services are aligned. The main reason for its emergence is data science.

The toolbox for creating AI and ML apps is available in Python. Data sets can be easily analyzed by scientists using Python-based algorithms. For statistical computation, data analysis, and every other component of AI, there are innumerable libraries available. A few Python-compatible libraries are GraphLab Create, PyBrain, PyAnn, Query, MDP ToolKit, and PyBrain.

Ansible, Pyeapi, and Netmiko are a few other libraries that support networking. Python development is not just for creating applications; it can also be used to easily configure routers. Python’s other uses are still in their infancy because of how well-established its base is for building applications.


Python app development can be used to create applications in the upcoming years on both an enterprise and product basis because it has recently attained larger heights and is overgrowing. Furthermore, Python has demonstrated that it is a capable language that is simple for beginners to learn but strong in the hands of experts. Many large corporations, like Google, have adopted Python as one of their primary languages as a result of its versatility.

Python offers hugel benefits at both a low and high level, whether you’re building web applications using practical Python frameworks or employing data science and machine learning to optimize your company’s outcomes and strategy. You can enlist the aid of a reputable Python app development company if you want to see your idea come to fruition. With exceptional Python app development services, we can assist you in developing advanced, robust and scalable apps to help you reach new heights in this constantly changing digital world.


Priyanka Sharma

Priyanka has been the technical content writer at OnGraph Technologies since 2020. Her passion for educating people in all aspects of technological innovations and advancements flows through in the expert industry coverage that she provides. In addition to writing Company blogs, Priyanka also provides technical SEO and copywriting services for businesses of all sizes.

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