by : Zahwah Jameel
April 10th 2023

The Stack Overflow developer survey of 2021 rated SVELTE, a relatively new online UI framework for designing a web-based interface with components as the most favored web framework. Several major organizations like The New York Times, Razorpay, Avast, Square, IBM, and GoDaddy leverage the SVELTE framework as a part of their development strategy.

Some Twitter tweets also show Spotify and Apple also are using SVELTE for building web applications to some extent. But what is SVELTE? Why is it so popular among the developer community? How can business owners benefit by leveraging this framework for their business?

Let’s dive into this blog post to find out more.

What is SVELTE?

SVELTE is an open-source JavaScript-based front-end web development framework written in TypeScript for creating dynamic web pages that offer various features and functionalities. It is a revolutionary UI development methodology that you can utilize to create either discrete components of an interface or a complete web app in the easiest way.

With SVELTE, you may create a whole app or incrementally incorporate it into an existing application. Without the burden of a rely on a typical framework, components can also be delivered as independent packages that function elsewhere. It shares goals with other JS frameworks like Vue.js and React, which make it simpler to build dynamic and engaging dynamic UI.

However, there is a remarkable difference: SVELTE transforms your app into perfect JavaScript at build time rather than reading your application code at run time. As a result, neither a performance cost for the component framework’s abstractions nor a cost when your app first loads apply to you.

What are the Features of SVELTE?

features of SVELTE

Here are the three basic features of SVELTE.

Truly Reactive

SVELTE performs precise DOM modifications at build time. Because of this, users may create applications that meet their needs without worrying about extra overhead.

This web framework is also utilized for its responsiveness in its language to further simplify things for the user. The user must use hooks in Vue or React to update the state. Hooks are an essential component in updating the state, but they burden the Garbage Collector with extra work.

Absent Virtual DOM

The Virtual DOM, in its most basic form, is a method of updating the state by contrasting the current tree of customized objects with the snapshot of a prior one. React makes use of this.

Since SVELTE is a compiler, running its code does not need loading a UI library into the browser. Instead, the app is rendered on the page by loading a straightforward.js file. At compilation time, all object modifications are made.

This aids SVELTE in lowering the overhead of virtual DOM operations. Additionally, by not loading the entire library, the file size is greatly reduced. Mobile devices notably benefit from this.

Lesser Coding Required

Being written in TypeScript, SVELTE has a simpler format and allows writing fewer code lines enhances code readability, saves resources and time, and reduces bugs. A simple “Hello World” program written in the SVELTE framework would look something like this:

HTML code

In the code above, there are:

  • HTML heading tag, <h1>, that templates the name variable and writes the word “Hello”, and
  • A <script> tag that encloses the program written in JS

The same code would be about 30 percent to 40 percent bigger in Vue.js or React.js. React utilizes the useState hook, making the source code heavier.

SVELTE doesn’t restrict developers to a single additional top-level element and lets allows updating the variable’s local state with ease by using the “=” assignment operator.

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How is SVELTE Development Different From React?

svelte vs react

Here’s the thing: developers can build successful and powerful web apps using both SVELTE and React. However, although having a similar overall function, they operate very differently.

SVELTE vs react


Performance is one of the primary advantages of using a frontend framework like SVELTE. It employs a compile-time method for code generation, resulting in faster load times and improved performance.

Svelte, unlike React, compiles the components into plain JS that directly manipulates the DOM. When working with big or complicated applications, this strategy can result in significant performance advantages.


React has a large ecosystem of libraries and tools built around it, which makes it easier for developers to find solutions to common problems.

However, Svelte is a newer framework with a smaller ecosystem. It does, however, have a thriving development community and toolkits and libraries are being developed all the time.

Learning Curve

Svelte’s learning curve is usually believed to be smaller than React’s. It has a syntax comparable to HTML, making it more approachable to developers who are acquainted with web development. Furthermore, it has an approach to state management that is easier than React’s, which can assist newcomers to minimize the learning curve.


Svelte’s small size is one of its advantages. The compile-time method used by the component framework produces optimized code, resulting in reduced bundle sizes and faster load times. React’s virtual DOM, on the other hand, might add overhead, resulting in larger bundle sizes and slower load times.


Both Svelte and React provide testing tools for developers. Jest, Enzyme, and the React Testing Library are just a few of the testing libraries and tools available for React. Svelte testing tools are the official Svelte testing library and third-party tools such as Cypress and Jest.

However, due to its compile-time methodology, some developers have observed that testing Svelte components prove tougher.

Prerequisites of SVELTE

As experts, we advise that you have a working familiarity with the terminal and command line (CLI), as well as the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and the JavaScript framework. The SVELTE compiler creates lean and highly efficient JavaScript code from our sources; to compile and build your app, you’ll need a terminal with node + npm installed.

You can also keep reading this SVELTE tutorial to learn more.

How does SVELTE work?

svelte working

SVELTE files can expand HTML, CSS, and JavaScript because it is a compiler, producing the best JavaScript code with no runtime overhead. To do this, the SVELTE compiler adds the following features to standard web technologies:

  • To achieve real reactivity and simplify component state management, it extends JavaScript by reinterpreting several of the language’s directives.
  • The scope method it adds to CSS improves its capabilities by letting each component specify its template styles without worrying about them clashing with those of other components.
  • By enabling JavaScript expressions in markup and offering directives that leverage conditions and loops in a way akin to handlebars, it expands HTML.
  • Only when SVELTE components are involved and only in very narrow circumstances does the compiler step in. To avoid breaking JavaScript syntax or alienating developers, extensions to the JavaScript language are kept to a minimum and are carefully chosen. Actually, you will be using standard JavaScript most of the time.
  • SVELTE also leverages context API to share data between the different components without the need for a prop.

If you feel this is going over your head, you can consider outsourcing and successfully complete building your web applications.

What are the Different SVELTE Frameworks?

Here are the two most used SVELTE frameworks:

Svelte Native

Another illustration is Svelte Native, which makes it simple for Svelte developers to create native apps for iOS and Android. The best features of Native Script and Svelte are combined in Svelte Native, which was published in February 2019.


Several different frameworks have been constructed on top of Svelte, and its ecosystem is expanding quickly. For starters, SvelteKit, a more recent framework that took the role of Sapper, was made available in March 2021. It has complex capabilities like server-side rendering, file-based routing, code splitting, and offline support and is the quickest way to create a Sveltekit app. Svelte’s version of Next.js is called SvelteKit.

Advantages of SVELTE

The benefits of SVELTE should be clear by now. There’s more, though. Your developers will gain a few advantages over competing tools by using this new framework. These benefits include:

Reduced Boilerplate Code

SVELTE eliminates the need for boilerplate code, making application development easier and faster. This allows developers to devote more time to tackling challenging problems and adding new features and detail to the application.

Reactive Variables

With this novel framework, developers can quickly generate reactive variables by prefixing the declaration with $. This makes it simple to handle program state changes and construct dynamic user interfaces.

Faster and More Reliable Apps

SVELTE  does away with the requirement for a virtual DOM, making apps faster and more dependable. The built components are highly optimized and run directly in the browser, resulting in a more efficient and responsive application.

Scoped Styling with JavaScript Framework

Using scoped styling with JavaScript, Svelte allows developers to insert template styles mid-document that explicitly target a given element and its children. This simplifies CSS management and lowers the possibility of style clashes in larger apps.

Built-in State Management

Svelte includes its own simple and easy-to-use built-in state management system. This eliminates the requirement for external state management libraries, lowering the application’s complexity.

No Framework Traces

Because Svelte converts the components into normal JavaScript, the resulting apps have no traces of the framework. This eliminates the need for transitions, and reduces the bundle sizes and load times, making the application more efficient.

High Performance

A SVELTE application runs faster than those built with competing frameworks. Because the compiled source code in the src folder is highly optimized, it loads faster and performs better. As a result, SVELTE is an excellent solution for developing high-performance web apps.

Disadvantages of Leveraging SVELTE Development

Nevertheless, there are a few drawbacks to adopting Svelte, which include:

Lack of Significant Backing

Svelte lacks the support of a large firm, such as React (Facebook) or Angular (Google), which may make it less appealing to some organizations.

Insufficient IDE Support

Svelte has some IDE support, but it isn’t as robust as some other frameworks. This can be difficult for developers who rely largely on their IDE.

Limited Dev Toolkits

In comparison to other frameworks, the number of Svelte dev toolkits available is currently rather limited. This may make it more difficult for developers to discover the correct tools for their specific requirements.

Limited Open-Source Ecosystem

Svelte’s open-source ecosystem is still relatively tiny, which means there are fewer third-party libraries and tools available.

Steep Learning Curve

Although Svelte has a lower learning curve than some other frameworks, reactive programming, newbies find it difficult to get started with it.

Limited Svelte Community Support

Svelte is a relatively new framework, hence the amount of available community help may be restricted. This may make it more difficult for developers to find assistance with more sophisticated difficulties.

About SVELTE 1.0: The Latest Release

SVELTE 1.0, the latest version released in the SVELTE ecosystem, was launched a few weeks back on December 14, 2022, with vitePreprocess as its default preprocessor. Here are the new developments in the SVELTE ecosystem that came with releasing the latest SVELTE version.

  • SvelteKit now utilizes Vite 4 and needs a Svelte peerDependency of 3.54.0. sveltekit() now returns a commitment for an array of Vite plugins. __data.json is no longer included in URLs.
  • A new embedded feature, which is disabled by default, improves link clicks when SvelteKit is embedded.
  • Builder has replaced the automated fallback generation (generateFallback(fallback))
  • SvelteKit now will throw an error if a load response is invalid.
  • +server.js files and +(layout|page)(.server)?.js no longer permit unknown exports (other than those beginning with an underscore).
  • Ensure prerender remains false while ssr also is false
  • The choices.
  • Custom transition functions can now accept a direction parameter.
  • You can modify variables now within a @const function.
  • svelte/elements have now been introduced for Svelte/HTML type specifications
  • Invalid() is renamed as fail() and ValidationError is renamed to ActionFailure.

New Additions to the SVELTE Ecosystem

SVELTE now comes with new libraries and components.

  • Free Svelte Accelerators: A set of Sveltekit and Svelte open-source code to kickstart development
  • Konsta UI: A library of mobile user-interface components created with Tailwind CSS for Svelte, React, and Vue
  • JetBrains WebStorm 2022.3 now has SVLETE built-in support
  • probablykasper/modal-svelte: A modal SVELTE component
  • NextAuth.js is now available for SvelteKit
  • scrolltron/deepcrayon: Crawler overlay for OBS Studio
  • SvelteKit Tailwind Blog Starter: An easily customizable and configurable blog starter for SvelteKit and Tailwind CSS
  • tRPC-SvelteKit: Provides end-to-end typesafe APIs for your SvelteKit applications
  • SvelteKit CAS authentication: A list of functionalities for using CAS/SSO in SvelteKit
  • @svelte-plugins/tooltips: A fundamental SVELTE tooltip component
  • @macfja/sveltekit-session: A simpler session management for SvelteKit

SVELTE 1.0 needs these minimum version specifications for languages and frameworks.

  • SVELTE version 3.55
  • Node version 16
  • Typescript version 3.49

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What are the Use Cases of SVELTE?

svelte stats

You can use Svelte to create both individual user interface elements and complete programs. You can either build your user interfaces from scratch using a Svelte file or you can gradually include it into an already-existing application.

However, Svelte is especially suitable to deal with the following circumstances:

  • Web programs designed for low-power gadgets: You can use smaller bundle sizes of the Svelte app for devices with sluggish network connections and poor processing power. Less code necessitates downloading, parsing, executing, and keeping in memory fewer KBs.
  • Highly interactive sites or intricate visualizations: Performance advantages from a framework with minimal runtime overhead will guarantee that user interactions are quick and responsive if you are developing data visualizations that must display a lot of DOM elements.
  • Svelte features a short learning curve, making it easy to onboard users with no prior web programming experience. Web developers with a foundational understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript may quickly pick up and begin developing web apps.
  • You can also create apps with sophisticated capabilities like server-side rendering, file-based routing, code splitting, and offline support with the aid of Sapper (a framework based on Svelte). Svelte Native is another tool that enables you to create native mobile applications.

Build Reactive SVELTE Application with OnGraph

SVELTE is a novel and innovative approach to the JavaScript framework that enables the development of very responsive and quick applications. You can also leverage Github actions for your SVELTE project. It should be on your radar if you want to assist your developers in bringing your web application to the next level of efficiency and simplicity.

If you think SVELTE is the right fit for you but you don’t know where to start, you can consider partnering with a SVELTE web development agency. OnGraph is a SVELTE development company that assists you to leverage the benefits of SVELTE web development for your business.

To learn more about SVELTE development and start developing web apps, schedule a 1:1 consultation with our experts.


Zahwah Jameel

A software engineer with a deep interest in writing blogs and web content on various tech stacks.

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